The school promotes life-long learning linked to the theory of a Growth Mind Set. The curriculum at Mithian School includes all core and foundation subjects. We provide a high standard of teaching and learning, through a creative and stimulating environment that offers challenge to every child. Our curriculum is inclusive and provides wider opportunities for all children.
(Emotional Intelligence, Motivation, Self-Efficacy, Resilience, Grit, Enthusiasm)
Our Curriculum aims to:
- provide a broad and balanced curriculum
- use different learning and teaching styles
- embed key skills in order to prepare children for real-life and everyday situations
- deliver knowledge and learning in practical ways
- aim to link to the outdoors, wider community and opportunities for external visits, events and visitors to the school
- encourage a passion for learning and knowledge
- ensure the children are independent learners
- aim to enable our children to tackle challenges and develop their resilience
- for pupils to become reflective learners
- regularly assess children's progress and identify next steps
Pupils are taught to:-
- understand their emotions and those of others
- be active, motivated enthusiastic learners
- think creatively
- be responsible members of their community
- be resilient and exhibit true grit
- understand the choices they make impact on themselves and others
- work co-operatively as part of a team
- to stay safe and live a healthy lifestyle
- understand the area in which they live as well as contrasting localities
- understand the aspects of British Values: Democracy, Rule of Law, Mutual Respect, Personal Liberty and Tolerance of other faiths and cultures.
We offer inclusive education for all children irrespective of age, gender or ethnic origin. All children are given the opportunity to learn in a safe and encouraging learning environment. Children with additional languages and pupils with special educational needs are supported on all levels and all pupils achievements and talents are recognised and celebrated.
Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural (SMSC)
The school encourages opportunities to promote the spiritual, moral and cultural development of all our pupils, especially through our acts of Collective Worship and our Religious Education scheme of work. Cornwall has an agreed Religious Education syllabus.
Extra-Curricular Clubs
The school offers a wide range of extra-curricular clubs which change termly. Clubs are run by our teachers, teaching assistants, coaches and are well supported by parents.
There is no charge for these.
The school takes part in a variety of performances, events and sporting fixtures.
Wrap-Around Care
We offer a Breakfast Club every morning from and after school provision is provided (Chill Zone) until See Parental Information page for more information.