10 February 2023


At Mithian School, our Mathematics Curriculum has been developed to ensure our pupils leave us prepared to tackle Mathematics at secondary school and beyond.

Through our ethos of ‘teach, learn, challenge and understand’ our pupils are constantly practising and consolidating their understanding of mathematics.

Teachers plan series of bespoke lessons with elements of fluency, problem solving and reasoning, whilst also making key links across curriculum areas, meaning pupils are able to apply their understanding to a wide variety of different contexts.

Finally, we believe in constantly challenging pupil resilience as well as ensuring they have an understanding of the importance of mathematics in their everyday lives.



Problem Solving

Useful Documents for Parents Below

Parent Workshop 2023

Click above to view the slides of our most recent Parent Workshop held in February 2023.


There are some helpful tips, apps and websites at the end of these slides.

Speed Tables- Year 3-6

All of the Speed Tables Levels your pupils will undertake as they move through KS2. And (importantly)...the answers!

Calculation Policy

Some insight into how your child might present their mathematics at home, based on how we teach it in class.

Non-Statutory Guidance for Maths

Department of Education Non-Statutory Guidance on Maths KS1 and KS2


What you can do to help your child with Mathematics at home...

Want to support your child at home with their Mathematics?

  • Times tables poster in their room
  • Any songs which teach times tables (in the car, for example)
  • Analogue clock somewhere in the home
  • Roman numerals clock somewhere in the home
  • Practical Application of Mathematics: Making a cake? Building a tree house?

What is the content of the Mathematics Curriculum at Mithian School?

Class 1- Learning Trajectory-

Year 5 and 6

Class 2 Learning Trajectory-

Year 3 and 4

Class 3 Learning Trajectory-

Year 1 and 2

Mathematics Vocabulary Document

A useful guide to all the mathematical vocabulary learners will use whilst at Mithian School

What people say about Maths at Mithian School

''Strong teaching is increasingly evident across the school, with pupils readily stating that mathematics is their most improved and often most enjoyable subject.''



class 1 maths we like best
Lift Off (With Flag)

Year 5/6- What type of Maths do you like best?

Pupil Survey 2023