Wrap Around Care
Breakfast Club and Chill Zone (Before and After School Care)
The school offers wrap around care which is run by school staff. Children choose to come to Breakfast Club and Chill Zone because they enjoy the sessions, they mix with pupils from all age groups and they know all the staff well.
Sessions for both Breakfast Club and Chill Zone are kept to minimum costs for parents. Breakfast Club starts from 07:45 at a charge of £4.50 and Chill Zone commences after school until 16:30 at a charge of £4.50. Breakfasts are healthy, low in salt/sugar, and consist of: juice, cereal, toast, porridge, yogurts, fruit bread. Chill Zone children have a snack and a drink.
The school has its own kitchen and lunches are prepared onsite by Chartwells Catering. A selection of hot meals, baguettes and vegetables or salad are served daily. All infants receive free school meals. Supervision is by school staff as they know all the children well and creates a positive atmosphere with good behaviour.
There are a range of areas and play equipment available and the older pupils are qualified play leaders to support infant play.
Termly menus are available for parents and children online. (see below)
Tapestry & Seesaw
All parents have secure log ins for class learning platforms. These enable them to message the class teacher and the school office, as well as access all areas of their child’s learning. These platforms include letters, information, work samples, photos and videos and urgent messages.
School Performance
Mithian School's performance in statutory assessments (such as End of Key Stage SATS) and Progress Measures can be found on the Department of Education's Website (please click the DoE link to compare schools, or the Buckshead for Mithian School.)
Lunch Menus