- To ensure that children wear a uniform that gives them an identity of which they are proud.
- To ensure the health and safety of all pupils.
- To represent our school in the wider community through the smartness of their appearance.
- Shoes should be black, flat (no heels higher than 2 cm), suitable and safe for school.
- Trainers and other derivatives are not acceptable.
- Boots may not be worn.
- Plain socks – see below.
- Children must have a change of footwear for PE. Bare feet are allowed for indoor PE.
- Cosmetics including nail varnish and transfer tattoos are not allowed in school.
- Hair longer than the collar must be tied back and fringes kept off the face,
- Colour and style of hair should be appropriate in order to maintain smartness of pupil appearance.
- Only watches and small stud earrings are allowed. Necklaces, bracelets, friendship bracelets, festival bands, sweat bands, rings etc. are not allowed. Watches and earrings must be taken off for all PE.
- Fleeces, sweatshirts, polo shirts and book bags can be purchased from school.
Winter Uniform
- Royal Blue Fleece
- Royal Blue Sweatshirt with logo
- Gold Polo Shirt Dark grey/black tailored trousers or shorts
- Dark grey/black skirt or pinafore
- Plain black/grey/navy tights
- Plain black/grey/navy/ white socks
Summer Uniform
- Blue and white checked dresses
- White socks
- Sandals – where the toes and heels are covered and are secure
- Dark grey/ black shorts
PE Kit
- Black / white shorts
- Plain white T-shirt
- Plimsolls/ trainers (outdoors only)
- Swimsuit and hat
- Towel
Yr 2 and above
- Football boots or sturdy old trainers (for football only)
Shin pads