Welcome to the SEN area of Mithian School...
At Mithian School, we are ambitious for all of our children. We recognise and celebrate that each child is an individual.
Our vision for our children who have a Special Educational Need/Disability is to successfully include them in our curriculum. Their inclusion is a process of increasing their learning and participation over time. We aim to achieve this by recognising and harnessing their strengths, gifts and talents, and by making a range of sensitive adaptations to make learning accessible. The plans that we put in place for individual children are tailored to the child’s needs. They are flexible and reflect a range of strategies and approaches. Monitoring the progress and development of our children is an important part of this process.
We have a clear approach to identifying and responding to SEND. Support is designed to provide a graduated approach based on a cycle of assessment and actions. We work in partnership with parents and carers to establish the support children need. It is particularly important in the early years that there is no delay in making any necessary special educational provision.
We have a skilled team of teachers and support staff able who apply their knowledge to meet the individual needs of children across the school.We seek guidance from a range of experts in making assessments and planning provision.
Please see the links below for further details: